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This is a list of the best websites where you can sell your pictures and make money with them. Enjoy it!

Web sites to sell candid and street photography:

Panorist is the largest photo sharing platform in development. Panorist is a new social network for you to find photos taken by a photographer that you have no contact. Share the photos that you took of strangers doing wonderful things, and now they will have the chance to find that photo.

Panorist’s search engine aggregates photos by location, date and time, automatically generated by modern digital cameras. Just choose a place where you’ve been, that Panorist will search for all the photos of that occasion. Or you can share some of your photos, and the search engine, based on these photos, will automatically find photos of other people taken in the same place, day and time. Simple.

Panorist has the best royalty participation in the marketplace.

Image stock

These are the best stock of images, specially nature, landscapes and modelling that you can find worldwide.

Adobe Stock

With over 10 years of experience, the Adobe’s platform is a stock photo marketplace and it was one of the first.

The best thing of the Adobe Stock is the royalty share, which is higher than other online shops, with the exception of Panorist.


Shutterstock is a popular site with over 15 years of experience with stock photos online. They have over 200 million images, videos, and music tracks to purchase royalty free, which also means they have millions of purchasing customers.

As a photographer, you can earn great money with this marketplace and Sutterstock allows you to keep your copyrights protected.


Alamy is another great platform, very easy to use and intuitive. It is a smaller site than Adobe Stock or Shutterstock but it is still a great place to sell your pictures


Etsy is also known as a marketplace to buy and sell handmade goods, but what most of the people don’t know is that you can also sell and buy pictures. Therefore Etsy boasts over 30 million users and several different ways to sell your photos through their platform.

Nature pictures

Nature picture library

The biggest image library that showcases nature and wildlife photos. It is a platform for professional photographers. Also the Nature Picture Library donates a portion of their quarterly profits to conservation organizations across the world!

Minden pictures

One of the best image bank and nature stock. The award-winning nature photographers sell their pictures to professional buyers.

Animals Animals

If you are a animal photographer this is the perfect place to sell your pictures.

National Geographyc Images

The famous magazine of life and nature that hosts award-winning photographers that capture beautiful images.

Product pictures

How to do Product Photography Business

It is essential to understand that as a Product Photographer, you need to have to be a creative-minded person, who is always looking for better quality photos. Your objective should be the perfection in every aspect. Viewers cannot find mistakes in it.

But in BUSINESS, this strategy fails. If you always try to find the perfection of everything that it could never reach completion. In Business, you need to move fast and change things quickly according to the need of the Customer, who is buying your pictures.

You need to be much more than a Photographer, as you will be handling your clients who can be very demanding at times. You need to have the proper skills to handle situations. You need to be as much as a Photographer as an Entrepreneur and maintain a healthy balance into it.

Understanding Business is a big topic to be covered in this post, you’ve to know each step as to how a business is created.

How much money can you make

Making Money in the Product Photography business is a subjective thing, as when you are starting in this business, it will be hard for you to make a dime. You’ll have to offer your service for FREE to gain some traction in the Industry.

But after you offer value to your customers, then you can gain some authority in your niche and increase the value per image such as 10-30 USD per Image. As more quality images you make and more popularity you gain, you can charge Hundreds or Thousands of dollars per session.

Making real money depends on the customer you are creating Product Photos for. Big renown companies can give you Thousands of Dollars for a Single Image.

Assist a Pro Product Photographer

You learned about doing Product Photography as a Business. But in reality, not everyone can do a Business properly, as you might be afraid of the risk of doing business.

You may not be sure enough to start a business, so you can assist an excellent Commercial Product Photographer and earn a Salary doing it.

Many Commerical Product Photographers are doing big shoots for the Big Companies, and it is not possible for them to do it alone. They need assistants to help them in accomplishing their Shoots quickly. They need good assisting hands who can listen to them and do what they want.

So for some folks, it’s a golden chance for joining the Industry, and have a closer look on how they are running their business effectively.

How to become an Assitant to Product Photographer

Becoming an assistant to a Product Photographer is easy if you understand People Skills, and be a good and helpful person.

Before assisting any Product Photographer, you must know the basics of Product Photography.

As you learn some basics and practice taking some photos, Contact your favorite Commercial Product Photographer (through Email). Don’t spam with hundreds of Emails.

In the Email mention first what value you are going to provide to the Photographer and then tell about yourself and how you are going to help him/ her by assisting. Not everyone is going to reply but very few will if they understand, that they will be benefitted by making you an assistant.

One thing you can do is directly visit the studio and talk with them in person. But again, don’t try to sell yourself but be genuine and tell them how you are going to help them.


Wedding pictures

You can easily create your own portfolio on internet. You have two options:

  • Use your own. Panorist is a new platform for the professional photographer to sell photos. All of those hundreds of photos you took at that event, just to sell one to the newspaper, will now be appreciated. Do not worry about payments any more: the buyer will see his pictures without the watermark only after the purchase.
  • Create and design your own website. You can set your own prices. You have 100% control over how to display your photos. You can set your own terms and conditions. In short, you’re in control!

Don’t have a website yet? The majority of professional photography sites online are created on WordPress. After creating your website, you need to showcase the photos beautifully to attract visitors and convince them to buy your images. The cons is that you have to work in your marketing strategies to get clients. That’s where Panorist helps you when you create your portfolio on Panorist. You get thousands of viewers whether globally or locally.

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